英日字典: bring_up
The bring_up has 8 Senses.
- call forth, conjure, stir, evoke, arouse, conjure up, invoke, put forward, call down, raise, bring up
- 唆る, 喚び出す, 喚起, 呼び出す
- summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "call down the spirits from the mountain"
- しばしば手品のようなものによって、行動を呼びおこす、または何かを生じさせる
- parent, nurture, raise, rear, bring up
- 養育てる, 扶育, 育くむ, やしない育てる, 育み育てる, 育みそだてる, 育む, 養い育てる, はぐくみ育てる, 育てる, 扶養, 養育, 育て上げる, 育生, 養う, 育成, 鞠育
- bring up; "raise a family"; "bring up children"
- 育てる
- bring up
- promote from a lower position or rank; "This player was brought up to the major league"
- 下位の位置またはランクから促進する
- bring up
- 急にぴたりと止める
- cause to come to a sudden stop; "The noise brought her up in shock"
- 急停止にいたらせる
- raise, bring up
- 擡げる
- put forward for consideration or discussion; "raise the question of promotions"; "bring up an unpleasant topic"
- 考慮または議論のために提案する
- boot, reboot, bring up
- cause to load (an operating system) and start the initial processes; "boot your computer"
- 最初のプロセス(オペレーティングシステム)をロードして起動させる
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